July 7, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Parcul Izvor

“We invite you on Thursday, July 7, starting at 18:00, to Queer Literature Day at pride Park. During the event we will have two releases of queer poetry books and a reading from the novel “Dezrădăcinare”, written by Sasha Zare, and published this year at Fractalia Publishing House.

18:00 – reading “Dezrădăcinare”
Sasha Zare is an alter ego writer. He loves to stay close to flowing waters, books, friendx, forests, his diary and cats. In his literary project he explores, among other things, everything that is indecent/sentimental/shameful/hybrid/hidden/strange (queer), from affection to language. They write how they learned that they do not occupy a place or is not allowed in Romanian literature. Uprooting is their first novel, published in March 2022 at Fractalia Publishing House.
Beyond the author’s talent as a perfect storyteller and hypnotizing narrative, this book is among the few in us who manage to articulate an intensely lived frontier existence at all levels. From the experience of life between two worlds (Rep. Moldova and Romania), to that of sexuality and border reason, the character of Sasha Zare opens before our eyes a history of the other told by them themselves, a history that we have both tried to control and represent in and through our normative literatures. The alienation to which they were subjected, the non-normative, is here called simple, uprooting. But we feel that there is more to it: An irrecoverable loss and suffering still present there, in the body of witness. Which remains.- Julia Militaru
Reading by Carolina Vozian.

18:30 – Release of poetry volume “Orlando Postuman” – Nora Ugron

On Friday, July 8, during the “Queer Literature day at Pride Park”, together with Maria Martelli, Iulia Militaru and Carolina Vozian, we will release the debut volume in poetry, Orlando Postuman, of Nora Ugron. The book is an ode written under the “burning desire” to connect with other beings, human and non-human, in a transforming, ever-moving world. Communion with the other forms of existence, which the author tries to reveal to the readers, becomes the leitmotif of this poetic work, determining a special technique for the construction of the text and producing another way of looking at the world – the queerized gaze. Let us read, debate, and tell together about this book, how we can overcome heteropatriarchy, and how we can reimagine the world, building gentler, unoppressive futures.

Guests: Maria Martelli, Nora Ugron, Carolina Vozian
Moderator: Iulia Militaru

19:30 – release of poetry volume “supine dream” – Emilian Lungu

On Thursday, July 7, at 19:30, at Pride Park, the release of Emilian Lungu’s debut volume, supine dream (OMG publishing, 2022) takes place. Along with reading the volume, Sofia Zadar and Alex Ciorogar will speak.

On the one hand, the trashy-chic naivety, the esthetic tumblr poetry, on the other, the theoretical inserts, clinical analysis of daily micro-events. Emilian performs these two voices simultaneously, not being artificial, but always to face his own struggle for intimacy, bodily dysmoria, childhood flashes that he can now contextualize. Supine dream is political just so much to be personal. A Z-like volume that can only seem like a cool project, when in fact it’s very intense.”””” – Mircea Florea

In the body, outside the body. Bright memories in dialogue with fragmented reality. For the body, against the body. The anxiety of contact with the outside world, but also the euphoria in the playground of identity explorations. A book-walk through sharp but revealing rays.”””” – Teona Galgotiu

“Emilian Cătălin Lungu’s volume is anything, but, despite the title, not apathetic. Rather vibrant, timbered, harmonious in its searches. It is about the search. About questioning the male-female binary, about the disavouement of hypermasculinity, about the queer and queerized body, about its agentability. The space is personal and liminal, as the author himself confesses. A space of collective dream, of individual awakening.”””” – Ileana Negrea

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